Deliver Any App to Mobile Users Anywhere
It’s a common scenario now. You’re catching up with a friend over the phone, and they tell you about the incredible success their company has had by deploying technology X during remote work. Not only, they say, has it delivered incredible ROI, but it’s helping to drive levels of productivity they’ve never seen before.

Immediately, your mind starts to wonder “what if…?” This leads you to kick-start an initiative—and allocate a large chunk of your budget—to get this amazing product up and running in your organization…pronto! Then, after a few quarters, you’re shocked to discover that the entire effort is a spectacular failure, achieving virtually none of the same benefits of which your old buddy boasted about for an hour.

Admittedly, it’s the trap that many of us have fallen victim to at one time or another. You fall in love with the top-line benefits (and what the success might do to your career), while overlooking what it takes to successfully implement the solution—or even if it was a good fit for your company to begin with!

Repeat after me: What works for one company may not work at all for another. What works for one company may not work at all for another. What works for one company may not work at all for another. And…guess what? That’s ok!

Let’s consider delivering enterprise application access to mobile and remote users as an example. Clearly a cookie-cutter, “one-size-fits-all” approach simply won’t work. Why? Because while a large enterprise may have the development chops and internal resources to create a native mobile app, for smaller organizations,that might not be the case at all.

The good news is, there are multiple options to choose from—each with its own advantages, disadvantages and ideal use cases. Now it’s even easier to find the best approach for your IT team, users and your entire organization. Options include:
1.     Deploying third-party mobile applications and services
2.     Porting Windows applications to the mobile platform for each device
3.     Writing brand-new, platform-specific code
4.     Developing mobile web-based applications
5.     Creating hybrid HTML 5 applications that also provide low-level, platform-specific access to hardware
6.     Virtualizing Windows applications

Interested in learning more about the pros and cons of each option? Check out our new whitepaper, “Deliver any app to mobile users: Best practices for enabling enterprise application access.” And schedule a meeting with us so that you can discover which option is the best fit for your business—not someone else’s.

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